3 min read

Shielding Your Events: Benefits of Events Liability Insurance


May 14, 2024

People attend events for many reasons, like family celebrations, networking, fundraising, and sometimes just for fun. Whatever the reason, Events Liability Insurance is something you need to consider if you are a professional event planner or a business that hosts regular events on your property or hired out venues. At Auto & General, we know that a single mistake at an event can have costly and complicated repercussions. This guide can help you understand both the necessity and the benefits of Liability Insurance for events.

 What is Events Liability Insurance?


Events Liability Insurance is insurance tailored to address risks and liabilities that come with organising and hosting events. This could be anything from a corporate conference or a public exhibition to a festival or theatre performance. Liability Insurance for events offers organisers financial and legal protection against various risks, including injuries and damages. It is also a requirement for many events in terms of the Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act 2 of 2010. This is in addition to appropriate safety and security measures.

It sounds similar to the coverage offered by Public Liability Insurance. Still, there is an important distinction: Public Liability covers only third-party claims arising out of business's general operations, including third-party claims, whereas Events Liability Insurance is designed specifically for incidents that occur in the context of an event. Because of this, coverage can be structured for specific activities, risks, and periods. 

Events Liability Insurance can be taken out for a one-day event, a multi-day event, or for frequent or continuous events.

Someone organising a simple speaking event knows they can set up and clear the venue on the event day. Because of this, they only need Events Liability Insurance for one day. They also only need a limited range of cover since they aren't serving food, and the risk of injuries and damage is low.

The producers of a hit musical are expecting a six-week run of their show, with eight performances a week. They would need Events Liability Insurance not only for the duration of the show but also for rehearsals and for clearing the theatre at the end of the run. The cover would need to be tailored for this set duration and also for the greater risk of injury and property damage.

Despite having different needs, organisers of both events can protect their events from unforeseen financial and legal burdens with customised Events Liability Insurance.

 What does Event Liability Cover?


One of the key strengths of Events Liability Insurance is its adaptability. Recognising that no two events are alike, insurers allow tailored coverage for the specific risks an event might face. However, there are certain risks common to most types of events, and  Liability Insurance for events will typically cover the following:

  • Bodily Injury: A fundamental aspect of Liability Insurance for events, this covers medical expenses, consequential losses, and legal fees if an attendee or participant is injured during the event. It's essential for any event involving physical activities or large crowds.

  • Third-party Property Damage: If there is any damage to the rented-out venue or surrounding properties, this coverage ensures that repairs or replacements can be managed without significant financial impact for the organiser.

  • Food and Beverage Liability: Particularly important for events where food and drinks are served, this coverage protects against claims of illness or injury caused by consumption of the provided refreshments.

As every event is unique, the coverage that is needed changes. At Auto & General, we strongly recommend that you consult our team about your Business Insurance coverage so we can tailor a policy that will meet the specific needs and risks of your event.

The Benefits of Event Liability


A single incident at an otherwise flawlessly planned and executed event can damage the reputation and operational integrity of the event planner or business. Event Liability Insurance for events offers benefits beyond just immediate financial protection, including:  

  • Financial Protection: At its core, Liability Insurance provides a robust financial safeguard against claims that could otherwise lead to significant monetary loss. Whether it's a lawsuit for bodily injury, property damage or professional errors, the right insurance policy can cover legal fees, settlements and compensation costs, keeping the event budget and the organiser's assets safe.

  • Legal Cover: Beyond just financial protection, Events Liability Insurance often includes legal defence coverage. This means that if there is a claim, the insurer will not only cover the costs associated with settlements but also provide legal representation. This is invaluable, as legal proceedings can be complex, time-consuming and costly. Having expert legal support can make a difference in the outcome of a claim.

  • Trust and Credibility: Securing insurance demonstrates professionalism and responsibility, and this builds trust with stakeholders and organisers. Participants, vendors and venue owners are more likely to engage with and support an event organiser when they know that comprehensive measures are in place to protect their interests and well-being.

  • Compliance with Legal and Venue Requirements: Many venues require event organisers to carry specific types of insurance as a condition for hosting an event. Compliance with these requirements protects organisers from legal penalties, fines, or the potential cancellation of the event due to non-compliance. It also reassures venue owners, partners, and participants that the event is conducted in accordance with local laws and regulations, further enhancing its credibility and trustworthiness.

  • Cover for Bodily Injuries: One of the primary concerns at any event is the safety of attendees. Insurance offers coverage for bodily injuries, ensuring that if an attendee or participant is injured, the insurance policy will cover medical bills or even compensation for pain and suffering. This coverage helps mitigate the risk of financial liability and assures everyone involved of a protected environment.

  • Flexibility to Tailor Coverage: The ability to customise insurance coverage to an event's specific risks and requirements is perhaps one of the most notable benefits. This flexibility ensures that organisers can focus on delivering a successful event, knowing that they are protected against the unique challenges they may face. Whether it's adjusting the coverage limits, the duration, or adding specific clauses for high-risk activities, tailored insurance is instrumental in providing peace of mind.

Get an Auto and General Insurance Quote for Events Liability


Securing the right Events Liability Insurance is an important step for any event organiser. Enquire about Auto & General Insurance's liability cover. Get an Auto and General Insurance quote to ensure your event is protected against unforeseen liabilities.

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