When your client is on the road, anything can happen, which is why vehicle insurance is one of those things nobody should be without. With our vehicle insurance products, your client doesn’t need to worry about the inconvenience or unexpected expense of repairing or replacing their vehicle should it be damaged or stolen. That means they can focus on what is really important – driving safely.
Our flagship option, which offers extensive cover against damage and theft, whether to their own vehicle or a third party’s.
Third Party Fire & Theft
Third Party, Fire and Theft Vehicle Insurance covers your client for accidental damage caused to a third party. It also covers your client’s vehicle against theft and fire damage, but accident damage to their own vehicle will not be covered.
Third Party Only
Third Party Only Vehicle Insurance covers only damage that your client causes to other people’s vehicles or property. While it is our most inexpensive package, you’ll need to remind your client that they will not be covered against theft, loss or accidental damage to their own vehicle.
BetterCar Value
If a client’s vehicle is written off, we will pay for a newer model with less mileage. Why not add the BetterCarvalue option to your Insurance Portfolio?