Have you considered what would happen to your family should you no longer be around? Will they be financially catered for? While it’s not something that we enjoy thinking about, it’s something that is important to consider. Especially for those who have loved ones depending on them financially.
At Auto & General, we’ve thought about all the possible eventualities that could happen and have used our vast knowledge and experience to compile various life insurance options. Our Pure Life Cover is there to make sure that your family are taken care of in the event of your death. Allowing you to rest easy knowing that they’ll be in good hands.
Who needs life insurance?
We know that getting life insurance is not on everyone’s mind. But, if you have any financial dependents, then it should be yours. Whether it’s your spouse, children, parents, siblings, or in-laws – if their lives will be negatively affected financially should you no longer be around, then you should look into getting life cover.
You can take out a life policy at any stage in your life – you’re never too young or too healthy! At Auto & General, we tailor your policy according to your individual needs and requirements. And your insurance premium will be based on your specific risk profile – taking your age, occupation, gender and health into consideration.
What is life cover?
Life cover is there to provide financial support to your loved ones after your death. As someone with financial dependents, it’s important to make sure that your family can continue living their lives as they were before your death. As listed beneficiaries on your policy, they will receive a lump-sum payout to compensate for the inevitable financial costs that come with the loss of life.
This payout can be used for anything from day-to-day expenses through to settling outstanding medical fees, educational fees or any other financial requirement that comes up. It helps lessen the financial pressure that may come after a death. Allowing your loved ones to spend time grieving their loss.
Auto & General’s Pure Life Cover
We’ve used our decades of experience in the insurance industry to offer you a life policy that we know will benefit you and your loved ones. Our tailored Pure Life Cover pays out from R200 000 to R10 million to up to 10 listed beneficiaries.
It also includes a R50 000 funeral benefit that will be paid out to your beneficiaries within 24 hours after a valid claim has been submitted. Should you be diagnosed with a terminal illness, with a life expectancy of less than 12 months, your cover amount will be paid out to you. Allowing you to benefit from your cover during your last few months.
Because we know that your life situation will change as you move through different stages, all policies include a Guaranteed Assurability option. Allowing you to increase, or decrease, your cover amount if your lifestyle changes, for example getting married or having a child.
Other Pure Life Cover benefits
Covers you for the whole of your life.
Waiting periods: There is no waiting period for accidental or natural death, and only a two-year waiting period for suicide.
Pure Life Insurance quotes
Let us do what we do best, while you focus on what is really important. We’ll take care of your loved ones’ financial future with simple cover for your life. Make sure that you are covered by getting a Pure Life Cover quote from Auto & General today.
For more information about our life insurance solutions or to get a quote, call us on 0861 00 02 09 or email us at business.sales@autogen.co.za.